Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why Musical Theatre?

That is really the question I hope to answer for my readers.

The world of musical theatre is small and the people involved seem to work and play within a small bubble. When you talk stats with a football enthusiast they can tell you all kinds of info about their favorite team and players, but theatre folk can you tell you about any musical, the production team, the original and revival cast as well as rattle off several bars of each song. As a professional actor, we have to know all about the major players in our field because its all about networking.

Now when I tell people what I do, I get excited and want them to be excited for me but more often than not, they don't have an opinion or don't care. I strive to make my world relevant to theirs so that hopefully in the future, they can still be a part of my network. I can't tell you the number of times that people say "Well when you get big and famous, I can say I did her hair, sold her shoes, took a class with her, etc." I remember all those people and anyone who is excited with me is relevant to me, so I strive to make them comfortable and knowledgable in my world.

With this blog, I will post updates in the world of musical theatre and Broadway plays, and I will show you how it is relevant in your life, because its not all jazz hands and belting anymore.

Ok maybe it is, but there is more too it, as you will soon see.